Friday, September 27, 2013

The Deep Dive

The Deep Dive explains the idea of design as the marriage between form and function. A design is evolving either in function and form, there is no permanence when design is involved. This evolution can come about many ways, but in this video it came due to a timed challenge. The major lessons I took away from this video were: allowing ideas to flow and come naturally, no idea is absurd, and the thinking web. Letting everyone speak his or her own mind and then letting the ideas settle in is key. Ideas might sound absurd at first but it is highly possible that you will warm up to that idea when you see it placed with all the others. Wild ideas can be easily built upon to make it more realistic and innovative. Several movies have employed the idea of a thinking web and quite frankly, I thought it would be disorderly to the preparation but that is not the case. The thinking web was really helpful because it lays all the cards on the table, then slowly one narrows those ideas down, and perhaps combines those that really stand out; therefore creating a design with the best form and function.

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