Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Final Solution

For our final wayfinding solution, the group decided to eliminate the blue-striped path altogether because it was overwhelming for the users and it was obtrusive to the environment. We replaced the blue-striped path with arrows that are incorporated into the architecture of the buildings. We added several new aspects to our design.
  1. First, we involved the handicap icon at the beginning, middle, and end of the path. This icon appears to show one's progression through the path, but also add an element of fun for the user.
  2. The elevator has a sticker indication, telling one, which levels the handicap accessible bathrooms, is located.
  3. We lowered the nodes with icons, so that it would be at our user's eye-level. 
  4. Lastly, we made certain that each arrow indicated the correct direction, while also directing visibly to the next arrow. This allows the path to be continuous but not overwhelming. 

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