Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Coca Wayfinding

           This blog addresses three types of signage when one deals with wayfinding techniques and methods. Three important wayfinding signage categories are: identification, directional, and orientation. Under each type of signage, one is given tips that will improve and create efficient wayfinding signage for the public and users.

            This information is already a direct help for answering questions when our group begins to discuss the possible solution for handicap accessibility in both Marvin Hall and the Art&Design Building. We can now consider and limit the color palette to blue, gray, or orange because these colors are common colors employed to be recognizable but they are not utilized during emergency situations. I really enjoyed reading the information about font sizing and spacing techniques because these will be great guidelines when we form and initiate our solution among users.

             This blog has also clarified what my group and I should try to address, while still making it feasible. Overall, this blog article addresses how one needs to be consistent and specific with signage, otherwise; one will not be helping the situation. 

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