Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Reading Summary

What are the advantages of a multi-column grid?
The advantage of a multicolumn grid is the flexibility available for the design format. This flexibility allows for complex hierarchy or integrate text with illustrations. This flexibility permits one to explore various compositions that will ultimately create a pleasing aesthetic. 

How many characters is optimal for a line length? Words per line?
The optimal line length for your body text is considered to be 50-60 characters including spaces. The number of words per line should be between 12-15 words.

Why is the baseline grid used in design?
Baseline grids create a systematic layout, which has a recurring rhythm.  The baseline governs the whole document layout. 

What are reasons to set type justified? Ragged (unjustified)?
A reason to justify one’s body text is that it makes a clean shape on the page. It’s efficient with its employment of space, making it appear like a newspaper or a published book.

There are two types of ragged alignments: Flush Right and Flush Left. Flush right allows the overall design to break from the usual set up. This is usually employed for captions, side bars, and other marginalia. Flush left allows the text to have an organic feel, it is natural to the reader. One must be cautious when employing any of these due to the many complications that accompany them.

What is a typographic river?
Rivers are vertical ribbons of white space that sometimes appear in columns of type.

What does clothesline, hang line, or flow line mean?
Clotheslining is aligning multiple columns along the same top baseline and varying the depths of each.

Hang lines are when elements are aligned at the top of a flow line, making them appear to be hanging from the line. 

Flow lines are horizontal lines that break the space into horizontal bands. Often employed to guide the reader on the page.  

What does type color mean?
The way the text fits together on the edges.

How does x-height affect type color?
The larger the x-space, the less white space. 

What are some ways to indicate a new paragraph. Are there any rules?
Indents have always been a common way to indicate a new paragraph since the seventeenth century. Another common technique is adding space between the paragraphs. More creative ways of indenting paragraphs are outdent, extra space inside line, symbol, etc.

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