Thursday, January 22, 2015

Project One: Post #1

To begin this project, I chose the following attribute words that each of my cereal boxes will convey.


After choosing these essential words, I began by reviewing the definitions and synonyms of said words. This was an important step because it allowed for brainstorming and configuring the proper design connotation for the typographic redesigns.

Definition: to soothe, console, or reassure; bring cheer to.
Synonyms: ease, relaxation, repose, tranquility, contentment, coziness, luxury, etc.

Definition: forcefulness of expression: an adequate or abundant amount of such power.
Synonyms: vitality, vigor, life, liveliness, animation, vivacity, spirit, etc.

Definition: proper, satisfactory, methodical or harmonious arrangement.
Synonyms: sequence, arrangement, organization, disposition, system, series, etc.

From there, I began to divide the information provided into certain categories: front/back panel, side/top/bottom panels, etc. I divided the information based on the overall tone of certain phrases but also focusing on their typographic appeal and potential. With all these categories in mind, I began to briefly sketch possible formatting.

These sketches are in the beginning stage and by no means the final designs. I look forward to explore more possibilities this weekend, especially now that I have a rough template for indesign!

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