Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Process Post #5

Imagery Exploration: These preliminary images will be utilized to represent Charlie Parker and his bebop music. 

My goal for this project is to create a refined and minimalist exhibition. I have chosen a muted color palette, mostly due to the Parker's sad tale of woe throughout his career and personal relationships. I do not wish this to seem too melancholic, which is why I am adding the gold flair in many of these icons, indexes, and symbols. I think it is important to truly represent Parker's life, but I wish to convey it in a sleek and minimalistic fashion... so hopefully it will be successful:)
Many of these graphics obviously relate back to Parker, but here is a brief explanation:

For instance, the silhouette figures are icons representing Parker and his magical saxophone: the saxophone that made him as 'free as a bird.' 

The musical note is a reference to Parker's nickname: The Bird because this note is called a Birds eye and I hope to repeat this symbol throughout many of my icons. 

The circles are brief symbols for Parker's personality.

Here are the title explorations:

My layouts will be coming shortly:)

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