Friday, October 10, 2014

Project ONE: VISCOM 204

The first project involved designing or branding an animal. The professor provided sixteen categories to base the designs on, these categories included: 
  • Image.
  • Calligraphic lines.
  • Gestural drawings.
  • Graphical drawings.
  • Geometric drawings.
  • Collaging.
  • Alternative mark making. 
  • One line drawing expressing your animal's meaning. 
  • Behavioral.
  • Texture.
  • Hybrid.
  • Marking on a surface.
  • Icon. 
  • Index.
  • Abstract. 
  • Typography. 
With these categories, one drew over two-hundred sketches of this particular animal. The process was very extensive, one would draw in sets of ninety-six and then one would narrow it down, making refinements along the way. 

Here is a snippet of some sketches, not all are accounted for;)

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