Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Poster+ Prototypes

Here are my initial prototypes for an accompanying annotation for the poster.

My first prototype exploration involves an actual display of how solar energy works. I would create a homemade solar lamp jar, which consists of a glass jar (decorated/undecorated) and a component of a solar yard lamp. The solar yard lamp would replace the lid of the jar, therefore creating an eco-friendly lantern.

To accompany this visual display, I would create a small book. This book would resemble a solar panel, but more importantly it would contain information on how the community can move forward by embracing solar energy in their everyday environments.

My second prototype is based on the idea that: "The energy that drives wind originates with sun, which heats the earth," (National Geographic) therefore providing solar energy. So I decided to have pinwheels be an interactive and friendly reminder/encourager for the community members. The pinwheels would have typography relevant to how to move forward with implementing solar energy into one's everyday life, with some friendly icons to accompany this text.

The more important message that this pinwheel contains is making the audience think of their children and future generations to come. Specifically how converting to solar energy can only benefit their lives. The viewers would be able to take the pinwheel home to place near the front walkway, reminding them and encouraging to help the environment by converting to solar energy.

My third prototype is more visual, but it will be accompanied by a phone app. The phone app will have information on solar energy technologies and ways to add them to your daily environment.

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